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HLT and DLT Honored as “Benevolent & Dedicated Enterprises”

loading... 07 Apr 2023
Recently, the Civil Affairs Bureau of Sanshui District, Foshan City issued a Notification on Recognition of Enterprises and Individuals in Sanshui District with Outstanding Contributions and praised them at the Sanshui District Charity Work Conference and the third meeting of the third council of Sanshui District Charity Association. HLT Machinery and DLT Technology were awarded with the title of "Benevolent & Dedicated Enterprises".
By active participation in various public welfare activities for many years, enterprises of HLT&DLT have taken positive actions in the fields of disaster relief, poverty alleviation and cultural education, constantly made contributions to social public welfare undertakings and formed the fine tradition of being enthusiastic about commonweal.
The honor of being "Benevolent & Dedicated Enterprises" is exactly a recognition and reward to HLT Machinery and DLT Technology for their social responsibility fulfillment and support to the public welfare undertakings.

(Mengna YIN, HLT)
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