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You Raise KEDA Up!KEDA Industrial Group 2023 Annual Speech Contest: The Pinnacle Showdown of Global KEDA Members

loading... 12 Dec 2023
On December 6th, the Grand Final of the 2023 KEDA Industrial Group Speech Contest, themed "You Raise Me Up - KEDA's Dream, We Illuminate Together", took place at the KEDA Academy on the third floor of the Employee Activity Center located on the company headquarters. After the "one in a hundred" preliminary selection and intense preliminary competitions in Guangdong, Anhui, and global regions, a total of 18 teams from Italy, Turkey, Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, and China advanced to the final stage of the speech contest. The contest was attended by the KEDA's chairman, Mr. Cheng BIAN, the director and general manager Mr. Xuexian YANG, independent director and senior media figure Mr. Jiangang LONG, vice presidents Mr. Fei ZENG and Mr. Peng ZHOU, audit and inspection director Ms. Hengxiang PENG, and leaders from various business management teams, all of whom served as on-site judges for this edition of the speech competition.

The 18 shortlisted teams, revolving around the theme of the speech, combined their personal experiences with the actual situations in their respective departments and career developments. Some spoke eloquently, some passionately, and others analyzed in detail, vividly interpreting the individual's position amidst the current era of development and corporate growth. Encouraged and inspired by various aspects, they seized opportunities, achieving a win-win situation for both the individual and the company.

Following intense competition, the final winners emerged. The Golden Winner was Mehmet Mucahid Pehlivan from the Team KEDA Turkey of the Turkish subsidiary, the Silver Winners were Kunnan(Sally) FANG from the “Mix & Match Team” of the President's Office, and Tian(Christina) GAO from the “Chasing Light Team” of KEDA Ceramic Machinery Overseas Marketing Center. The Bronze Winners were secured by Fuchao LIU from the “Transcendence Team” of KEDA Ceramic Machinery Packaging Machinery Business Department, Jun CHEN from the “Returning Kings Team” of DLT Overseas Marketing Center, and Billy Musoma Wekola from the "KEDA the Shoulder We Lean on" Team of KEDA Kenya. The "Best Popularity Award" was won by the “Mountain City's Beauty Peak Team” from Chongqing KEDA New Energy, and the "International Elegance Award" went to the Team KEDA Turkey. The Special Award was claimed by the Dragonflys Team from ICF & Welko from Italy.

During the review session, Mr. Jiangang LONG, the independent director and seasoned media professional of the company, pointed out the exceptionally high level of internationalization in KEDA's speech contest. He expressed that, in his 25 years in Foshan and having served as a judge in numerous speech competitions, it was the first time he witnessed individuals of different countries competing on the same stage, describing it as a "remarkable scene". Simultaneously, the theme of "You Raise Me Up" was well chosen, and each participant eloquently expressed their love for KEDA through their personal experiences and insights. Particularly noteworthy was the sight of participants from Kenya and Tanzania dressed in their traditional attire during the performance, showcasing the deep affection that employees hold for KEDA. "All of this reveals KEDA's confidence and determination in 'globalization'. This is an excellent answer to how well KEDA has done in 'globalization'," Professor LONG remarked. In conclusion, he extended his blessings and encouragement to KEDA on its upcoming 31st anniversary, citing a quote from Zhengfei REN, "Apart from victory, we have no other choice".

"This speech contest, interrupted for three years due to the pandemic, has finally resumed. This time, we selected a wonderful theme for everyone to interpret," commented Director and General Manager Xuexian YANG during the review session. He expressed that the "you" in "You raise me up" can be interpreted in multiple ways. It can refer to KEDA as a vast platform, achieving success for all employees and providing a stage for them to showcase themselves and unleash their talents. It can also represent all KEDA members because of their efforts and contributions, lifting the colossal ship that is KEDA. Additionally, "you" can extend to customers, partners, society at large, and even government and country, as they are the ones who have inspired and uplifted KEDA. In the end, Mr. Yang concluded, "Let's work together to look forward to tomorrow, jointly lifting KEDA's colossal ship for the continued voyage. Let's raise KEDA up!"

"I am very pleased that this speech competition has achieved the purpose I intended," Chairman Mr. Cheng BIAN first affirmed the effect of the speech contest in his concluding remarks. It was Chairman BIAN who, while on a business trip abroad, was deeply moved upon hearing this song. He reflected on how in the journey of life, the "you" in "You Raise Me Up" could represent countries, society, customers, enterprises, and individuals alike. Countries and customers uplift enterprises, and enterprises uplift employees. Even in different scenarios, “you” and “me” can interchange, forming relationships based on shared goals. In this mutual inspiration, we encourage and uplift each other.

Chairman BIAN expressed his satisfaction, stating that amidst the global economic downturn, KEDA has steadfastly upheld its position in manufacturing, prioritizing customer satisfaction, ensuring employee well-being, and contributing to the prosperity of the country. It is this shared pursuit that has made us united as like-minded KEDA members. "Today, whether on-site delivering speeches or recording videos for those unable to attend, I can feel the highly aligned thoughts among us KEDA members. I truly sense that we, together with our overseas KEDA colleagues, have come together, realizing the envisioned 'globalization'. Regarding future strategies, this speech competition has effectively showcased our aspirations." In conclusion, Chairman BIAN emphasized that KEDA is a company worthy of everyone's "up". He assured that he will continue to "up and up" together with everyone.

The 2023 KEDA Industrial Group Speech Contest has come to a close, further solidifying KEDA's determined commitment to move towards “globalization”. In the future, KEDA will continue to broaden its vision globally, stride steadily, and diligently build the brand strength of "Green Solution Greener Life" in the global market!

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