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You Raise Me Up — KEDA 31st Anniversary Celebration with Grand Hold

loading... 11 Dec 2023
On December 8th, KEDA Industrial Group Co., Ltd. celebrated its 31st Anniversary with the theme "You Raise Me Up". The grand celebration took place simultaneously at the Guangdong and Anhui bases and was live-streamed online globally.
The event was divided into 3 chapters: "Vibrant KEDA", "Pursuing Dreams Globally", and "Rising Toward the Sun". The entire ceremony was crafted with an international and youthful tone. In a special manner, it recognized exemplary individuals who made outstanding contributions to KEDA's development over the past year, setting benchmarks for others. This celebration served as a tribute and learning opportunity for all KEDA members, with the radiant spirit of KEDA illuminating the path forward.
The company director and general manager, Mr. Xuexian YANG, expressed that despite facing severe challenges from the sluggish Chinese and international economic situation this year, KEDA has maintained a steady development momentum and achieved commendable results in various aspects. All KEDA members have rallied around the Four Strategies, pooling their efforts and gearing up to make strides toward established goals.

Significant achievements have been made in the areas of "Globalization", "Digitization", "Servitization", and "Youngization". In the ceramic machinery sector, efforts to enhance "Globalization" continue with the groundbreaking of a new factory for KEDA's Turkish subsidiary, the successful acquisition of the Italian mold company FDS, the establishment of an Indonesian subsidiary, and the announcement of the acquisition of a 40% stake in SinoCera Create-Tide, forming Guangdong Create-Tide. This signifies the company's official transition from a ceramic machinery supplier to a comprehensive production service provider. In the building materials sector, notable achievements continue this year with the commissioning of the first sanitary ware project and the official commencement of the first glass project. Two new African countries, Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire, have successively started ceramic projects. In the new materials sector, construction is in full swing for the Fujian Datai and Chongqing Tongliang production bases. The high-end machinery intelligent manufacturing park at the Anhui base has initiated 4 projects to enhance production and manufacturing capabilities.

Simultaneously, a series of specialized talent training programs for young talents and young employees have been launched and successfully concluded. In terms of lean management, KEDA Ceramics Machinery has deepened its push from lean production to lean management, extending lean thinking to business processes beyond manufacturing. He stated that the lean management philosophy and practices would be promoted throughout the entire company in the future.
In conclusion, GM YANG emphasized that KEDA is currently deepening reforms in response to the changing times. As the company undergoes transformations, our employees should adapt to its new development situation, share a common future and resonate on the same frequency with the company, and support its new development strategy. All employees must strengthen their learning, enhance themselves, adapt to changes, achieve rapid personal growth, and collectively create a bright future for KEDA!

Chairman Cheng BIAN: Every inspiration propels us beyond ourselves
In his speech, Chairman BIAN expressed that KEDA has just passed the age of thirty and is marching toward the uncertainties of forty. In the first year after reaching the milestone, we have embarked on a new journey. "Faced with the future, what should we do?" He pointed out that thirty years after its establishment, KEDA must grasp the direction of change and stability.
Firstly, it is necessary to pursue continuous innovation. In the process of development, an enterprise must change in response to various external changes. The ceramic machinery achieved its best results in history last year, but without making changes, it is challenging to achieve further growth in quantity. On the one hand, "globalization" must continue steadfastly, and on the other hand, there must be a transformation from being a traditional machinery manufacturer to becoming a global ceramic production service provider, opening up new possibilities. Wall material machinery and stone machinery sectors must also intensify efforts to go global and transform towards becoming comprehensive service providers. Building materials, building on past achievements, should continue to expand in both regional and category dimensions. In the negative electrode materials sector, there must be new breakthroughs in innovation, quality, and cost. Hydraulic pumps, smart energy, and other businesses must actively expand overseas in the future, making strategic changes firmly.
Chairman BIAN pointed out that in the process of seeking change, each business segment must always work around the Four Strategies. He said, "We need to actively carry out lean management based on 'Digitization', making product innovation, quality, and cost-effectiveness the best. We will continue to deepen the 'Globalization' strategy; in this regard, ceramic machinery and building materials have already taken the lead, and other businesses must catch up. In terms of 'Servitization', we need to provide customers with a mode that is economical, convenient, and reassuring. All of the above foundations ultimately depend on the support of 'Youngization'. In the future, the overall age of key young backbone and management personnel must come down, and more opportunities should tilt towards young people."
While emphasizing the process of change, Chairman BIAN also specifically pointed out that KEDA's excellent culture must be steadfastly maintained, continuing to carry forward a series of unique cultural spirits such as "when money scatters, people gather and when money gathers, people scatter", "corporate interests above all", "be scrupulous in separating public from private interests", "fair and just, equal personality", and the "culture of seeking truth". These cultural values, amidst change and stability, drive the company's stable development.
Finally, Chairman BIAN emphasized that without passion, all endeavors are difficult to begin. The song You Raise Me Up has had the greatest impact on him, symbolizing continuous inspiration from customers, partners, employees, and society, urging them to progress incessantly. The inspiration received enables them to surpass themselves and stand at the summit of the mountains. "In the future, KEDA will continue to move towards becoming a 'global' enterprise, buying globally, selling globally, vigorously promoting localized operations with local talents. As we hear in this song, “You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; and to more than I can be!"

This event also effectively demonstrated the achievements of KEDA's "Globalization". Representatives from local employees in Italy, Turkey, India, Africa, and other regions attended the event and actively participated in interactive programs. During the opening segment, the "Variation of Happiness," global employees, through a virtual chorus, joined on stage by representatives of on-site KEDA employees, sang You Raise Me Up, marking the beginning of the event. The program design also fully incorporated international elements, featuring outstanding foreign singers, a medley of classic Chinese and English songs, and creative programs blending Eastern and Western cultures. All these elements underscored the successful integration of Eastern and Western cultures within KEDA.

You raise me up! Fueled by unwavering motivation, KEDA will persist in scaling new heights and surpassing its own limits!

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